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Why take this course on Growth Mindset?

  • People with a growth mindset derive just as much happiness from the process as the results. They look for challenges and opportunities to engage with the material, rather than deriving all of their satisfaction from mastery. Rather than focus exclusively on the outcome or the goal, they focus equally on the process.
  • A growth mindset will allow you to understand that intelligence isn’t set at birth, and you can enhance your abilities.
  • Through this, you’ll achieve higher and learn better, thus creating more opportunities for your career and for yourself.

What will you learn from this course?

  • Realizing your own potential
  • Help discover possibilities in life
  • Understand how the brain works and sees opportunities
  • Understand motivation and value of time
  • Learn how the help mechanism works and understand the value of mentorship.

Course Overview:

People are born and leaders are made. Everyone is born with talent and skills but very few people learn how to use the skillset and the talent to their benefit. Most of the time, these talents and potential remain within and never discovered because of the fixed mindset people develop over the years. This training session is an attempt to help you get rid of your fixed mindset and help you achieve immense in personal and professional life.  In this course, you will gain a greater insight of the workings of the mind and what are the obstacles we face in gaining control over it and direct it towards positive more soul-enriching thoughts.

In addition, it gives you tools that help you identify what’s blocking you personally from being more optimistic, as well as ways you can change the patterns of negative thinking to a more positive, constructive, and beneficial thinking. You will also get insights on Fixed Mindset & Growth Mindset. You’ll understand motivation in a different way and set goals that propel you towards how you want to be in life through this course!

Course Content:

Day 01 

Session 01 – Knowing what Growth is – Q and A / Quiz – 15 – 20 minutes

Session 02 – Doing a SWOT Analysis on self – 30 minutes

Session 03 – Thinking outside the box activity – 5 minutes

Session 04 – Outside the box scenarios and responses – 30 – 40 minute

Session 05 – Session closing and learning outcome

Assignment – Johari window

Day 02

Session 01 – Relating your SWOT and Johari – 30 minutes

Session 02 – Learning outcomes from SWOT and Johari – 30 minutes

Session 03 – Group Discussion on circumstances and way out – 30 minutes

Session 04 – Presenting Outcomes

Day 03 

Session 01 – Making a plan on overall presence for growth (social media and social gathering)

Session 02 – Leadership activity to understand its importance in career and life

Session 03 – The value of time for growth (activity)

Session 04 – Understanding Feedback and Growth

Skills you will learn:

Communication Skills

Critical Thinking Skills

Psychological Skills

Leadership Skills

Motivation Skills

Growth Skills

Adaptability Skills

Know your Trainer:

Mr. Shaurab Lohani is a Post Graduate in Information Technology from the University of District of Columbia, Washington D.C., Immediate past president of the Kathmandu Toastmasters club, Current Area Quality Director, Public Speaker, a motivational speaker, Life skills coach, and a training facilitator. He is the founder CEO of Dormitory Nepal, Budget Trekking, Logical Tech, and Pailo Paila. He is also one of the highly sought speakers in the national and international arena and has attended hundreds of seminars and sessions. As a facilitator, he has facilitated grass-root level training, mid-manager training, high-level manager training, and training of trainers (TOT) for well-known organizations, government offices. He has been interviewed by international news agencies like Aljazeera and BBC. Mr. Lohani has been involved in teaching leadership and communication skills at leading educational institutions of the country and is an influential leader.

Course Duration: 6 hours (3 days)

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