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Further Education in Times of COVID-19




Seminar Overview:

Today we all live in a new normal. The COVID-19 or the Corona virus has drastically changed the way we live. It has affected every facet of our lives. The way we work, study, eat, move has all changed. It is but natural to feel in a situation of chaos and anxious. This we guess is the new normal.

The youth are striving for their future. They are investing in their future and they are on the cross roads of their life. This seminar has been designed to inform and explain what we think the future hold in terms of career and studies. How best to adjust to it.

This seminar will explain you what the future of education holds. It is for you (students and parents) and it will focus on how education will look and how your plans need to be adjusted. In this seminar, we will explain how for those seeking education in foreign lands and in country the situation has changed. But most importantly to rethink and re-evaluate.

Words to you:

To all the participants who will attend this seminar, we would like to say one important thing- the world has seen many disasters before and will see more in the future and life has to go on. You have to live -your life and it means moving forward. So even in this time of COVID-19, you have to move forward. It means, and this what we want to stress in this session, that although you may have to re-think and re-evaluate there are ways forward, there are possibilities but just in a different way.

Contents of the Seminar:

  1. The COVID-19 Pandemic and why it is of concern? How it affects our life?
  2. What is Education? Types of Education? Structured V/S Not Structured?
  3. Education delivery mechanisms
    1. Offline Delivery
    2. Online Delivery
  4. Impact of COVID-19 on Education
    1. Studying in Nepal
    2. Studying Abroad

Who can participate in this seminar?

  • Students who have COMPLETED Plus 2 and are seeking further education;
  • Students who have COMPLETED A-Levels or other high school level and are seeking further education;
  • Students who have COMPLETED Bachelor level and are seeking further education;
  • Students who have COMPLETED certain education level and are seeking diploma or technical qualifications;
  • Parents/guardians of students mentioned above;
  • Working professionals seeking further education to enhance their career.

What you’ll learn in this seminar?

  • Reflect on your own educational experiences and consider how these might relate to contemporary concerns.
  • Future of education in Nepal’s context.
  • How to define your personal theory of learning environment.
  • Discuss forms of alternative education which are practiced in current education systems.
  • Evaluate a range of perspectives to identify issues & solutions about future education.



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