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Courses at EtonX

100% Online

Delivered in English

Suitable for ages 14-20


Course features

This course is 100% online and packed full of engaging learning materials, with a personal action plan and a knowledge test for each learner. Additional features are available if you wish to take this course as part of a Study Group.

Designed by Eton College Experts

Personal Action Plan

Interactive Tasks, Videos & Quizzes

Knowledge Test


What will you learn?

Our Entrepreneurship course helps you to generate, develop and refine your business ideas and will give you the confidence to start pitching your vision to others.

Click here to download Syllabus.

Why should I take this course?

This course is right for you if you are aged 14–20 and you:

Are interested in entrepreneurship as a career

Want to maximize your chances of founding a successful business

Don’t necessarily have an idea for a business but want to be prepared for when you do

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

Think and act like a successful entrepreneur

Identify problems and opportunities

Generate ideas that solve problems and/or have an impact

Test and validate your ideas and assumptions

Refine and iterate on an idea or solution

Pitch your idea to others


Critical Thinking

What will you learn?

Our Critical Thinking course will help you to analyse arguments, recognise problems with reasoning and logic and evaluate the evidence used to support an argument.

Click here to download Syllabus.

Why should I take this course?

This course is right for you if you are aged 14–20 and you:

Use critical thinking skills to boost your academic success

Improve your decision-making based on good reasoning

Deepen your understanding of how the world works

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

Use logic to make and analyse an argument

Identify bad arguments and faulty reasoning

Evaluate the evidence, data or statistics used to support an argument

Identify whether emotions, bias or prejudice have influenced reasoning

Apply a range of critical thinking techniques to arguments in different contexts


Writing Skill

What will you learn?

Our Writing Skills course will teach you the techniques and you need to help you to produce your best work no matter what the essay question.

Click here to download Syllabus.

Why should I take this course?

This course is right for you if you are aged 14–20 and you:

Gain techniques to improve your formal writing

Find ways to make essay writing easier and more enjoyable

Improve your writing before submitting an important essay

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

Analyse the essay question and define your task

Techniques for efficient planning

Create a coherent structure

Develop an argument and write purposeful introductions and conclusions

Use appropriate language

Avoid plagiarism and use reference material appropriately

Check your essay for accuracy and consistency


Interview Skill

What will you learn?

Interview Skills will improve your ability to make a good impression in the vital first moments of the interview and to give strong answers to any kind of interview question.

Click here to download Syllabus.

Why should I take this course?

This course is right for you if you are aged 14–20 and you:

Are preparing for university entrance, internship or job interviews

Need interview practice

Want help to stand out from other candidates

Want to conquer nerves and improve your confidence

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

Effective pre-interview research and preparation

Understanding what the interviewer is looking for

Structuring effective answers

Thinking on your feet

Strategies for dealing with tricky questions

Managing nerves

Body language and interview etiquette

Assertiveness and resilience



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