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Aspects of the entrepreneurial experience. The entrepreneurial mindset and the venture creation process. Foundation for getting a venture started, and understanding of what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

This course will not teach everything needed to start a business, but it will lay a solid foundation for getting started, and understanding of what it takes to be an entrepreneur. Thus, the course is appropriate whether one aspires to own a business, start a nonprofit organization, lead a civic cause, or simply live life more fully.

Learning Goals:

  • to recognize the characteristics and behaviors of individuals who are entrepreneurial minded, and gain some insights as to how to acquire those characteristics and behaviors;
  • how to explore their own entrepreneurial interests and aptitudes;
  • to see entrepreneurship as a viable lifestyle and career choice; o basic venture creation principles and methods;
  • about area entrepreneurial networks, and entrepreneurial service providers;
  • the concepts and skills required to start, manage, and grow a new venture.

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