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Sell like a Champion is an intensive course on the psychology of selling. A course designed for sales professionals to inspire them to think like a champion, sell like a champion and to be the sales-superstar.


This Course Includes

Course Starts August 1, 2021

Why take this course – Sell like a Champion?

  • Sell like a Champion is a powerful motivational, salesmanship and performance enhancing course for sales professionals.
  • The course is driven for creating proactive mindset and  equipping people with better selling skills —thereby realizing a  personal peak performance and organizational goal.

What you’ll learn?

  • Visualize your personal financial goal for a year ahead.
  • Goal setting challenge to encourage sales goal (month/quarter/year)
  • Making sales goal compatible with their personal financial goal.
  • Reprogramming subconscious mind to “This is possible” to “Yes, I can do it” level.
  • Developing strategic and skilled sales champions.
  • Ways to prospect, present and close the sales deal more effectively
  • Create Proposal Sell like a Champion collective/individual commitment-to-action to multiply sales and increase their income
  • Turning salespeople into sales champions

Course Overview:

Sell like a Champion is an intensive course on the  psychology of selling. A course designed for sales professionals to  inspire them to think like a champion, sell like a champion and to be  the sales-superstar. The session includes selling skills, motivation,  goal setting challenge and collective/individual commitment to action.  This motivational sales course module aims to turn salesman into  personally and professionally competent sales champion. So, at the end  of the course participants will be able to develop winner mindset and  hone their selling skill – the skill which will help them achieve/exceed  their sales goal. This goal centric sales championship session will  encourage them to live a purpose driven life. The session will help them  to be competent communicators, successful sales people, proactive team  players with positive outlook and growth mindset.

Skills you’ll learn:

  • Leadership Skills
  • Sales Skills
  • Business Skills
  • Decision Making Skills

Know your Trainer:

Mr. KP Bhusal is a growth focused dynamic motivational  speaker, ROI driven sales performance coach and a leadership trainer  with 10+ years of teaching, selling and training experience. He’s a  founder of IDEA Education, a Kathmandu based business training and  consulting firm, dedicated to transform lives and businesses through  leadership, sales and capacity building workshops. With 10+ years in  inspiring people and promoting entrepreneurship, he is now trusted as a  business advisor for 100+ corporates across Nepal and abroad. Having  years of real time sales experience and years of study on sales and  sales psychology, KP conducts motivational sales training workshops for  Pharmaceuticals, FMCG, MLM and other B2B/B2C sales organizations. There  are different sales training modules: Rhetoric of selling, Sell like a  Champion, Sales Leadership, Mastering the Sales Funnel, Teamwork and  Leadership etc. These modules are designed to enhance motivation and  sharpen selling skill of all-level customer facing employees.

Course Duration: 6 hours (3 days)

Course Curriculum

          • sell like a Campion 00:05:00
          • Day 1 4 months
          • Day 2 4 months
          • Day 3 02:00:00

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