Organized by the Kathmandu World School jointly with Glocal After School, an inter-school level SEE students engagements is organized for you to uplift the enthusiasm, creativity and energy.
KWS Online Learning Fest is the most authentic and unique Festival that has ever been hosted for SEE appeared students. This program is aimed at integrating all kinds of SEE appeared students of the nation under one umbrella.
This festival will strengthen your mental growth, boost your creativity!
It will help you explore yourselves holistically and shape your own life. With a view of making them self-aware, confident and take full charge of their own development, interactive and self-exploration, interactive sessions, workshops will be conducted to empower them with various life skills.
This festival is designed in such a manner that it lets you involve in the festival without having to spend money, travel or take other strains, which is a treat itself; learning filled with fun.