Knowledge Maestro – Online Live Quiz by Glocal After School

Knowledge Maestro  by Glocal After School is an online real-time quiz competition organized to make young people engaged in intellectual activities. The competition will be made available to every individual (16- 24 years old) to participate through Glocal After School. The main motive behind organizing the competition is to help gain and utilize their knowledge and be aware of the things happening around the world as well as make them intelligent in different aspects.

Competition Criteria


Competition Format


Category 01 - Tourism & Hospitality

The deadline to register for the Knowledge Maestro – Travel & Tourism category is February 10

The category – Travel & Tourism quiz competition will be held virtually on 12th February, 2022 at 10:00AM.

The participants will encounter 20 Quiz Questions related to Tourism & Hospitality for this Category.

The registration has been closed.

Category 02 – IT & Business

The deadline to register for the Knowledge Maestro –- Business & IT category is February 11.

The category – IT & Business quiz competition will be held virtually on 12th February, 2022 at 12:30 PM.

The participants will encounter 20 Quiz Questions related to IT & Business for this category.

The registration has been closed.



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