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Become a fearless Speaker


This Course Includes

Course starts June 30, 2022

Why to take this course in 21st century?

  • Communication is a way to connect and express one’s idea clearly and in a understandably way to the opposite part without any sort of hesitation.
  • This course will lead you to the power of persuasion, listening skills, ability to inform and boost confidence.

What you will learn?

  • How to communicate effectively not thoroughly?
  • 3 C of communication: Clear, Concise  and consistence
  • How to attract you audience?
  • How to present you thoughts?
  • Use of hand gesture while presenting
  • Stimulate you from your fear of expressing

Course Overview

Nowadays often in every program, we are called to deliver certain comments, speech. What will be the impact on your career when you are able to deliver effectively what you intended to speak-the message you deliver-the way you deliver it?

Communication, in today’s time is of course an indispensable part for your personal and professional life. Being conscious about what other express, responding them as per need is critical in today’s evolving society

To deal with communication more effectively and efficiently at work and to achieve your goal, this course is designed to give you both the tools you need to improve your communication skills and strategies for using them to your advantages.

Skills you will learn:

Communication Skills


Know your Trainer:

Pooja Dangol is an L&D Consultant and Trainer who earned her MBA from Kathmandu University and the Certified Speaking Professional designation from Training Qualifications UK (TQUK). Her journey as an L&D Consultant was about confidence, capability, and dedication towards her profession. She has been in this specialization for the last 6 years. She has a strong background in learning, developing, and managing large corporate teams which makes her the perfect fit if you are seeking a customized program for you and your team. Organizations hire her as their L&D Consultant who wants implementable strategies that will help their employees avoid distractions, stop interruptions, prioritize daily objectives and say ‘no’ to requests that steal time from real goals and priorities.

Course Duration: 6 hours (3 days)

Course Cost: Rs. 1000

Course Curriculum

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