Developing Teachers Teaching Traits via Technology

Our Speakers:
- Prof. Ujjwal K Chowdhury, Pro Vice-Chancellor at Adamas University, India
- Prof. Yousuf M. Islam, Chairman, Institute for the Development of Online Learning (IDOL), Bangladesh.
Webinar Duration: 1 hour
Starts July 19, 2021
Webinar Overview:
We speak a lot about 21st-century learners and the skills, knowledge, and understandings they require. Also, the talk about the qualities that a teacher should possess also is of great importance.
“Developing Teachers Teaching Traits via Technology” is a one-hour webinar that will highlight ways to create and implement an interactive learning environment empowered with online teaching skills, ensuring quality learning.
The future of the educational system is practically determined by the development of technology and the teaching strategies based on educational technology can be described as ethical practices that facilitate the students’ learning and boost their capacity, productivity, and performance. Technology integration in education inspires positive changes in teaching methods on an international level, which eventually develops teaching traits in teaching. The ability to flexibly adapt and problem solve are crucial aspects of 21st-century learners, and that these qualities need to be reflected in teaching and pedagogy. The world of work, and the displaced nature of work, means that students need as core qualities adaptability and innovation.
All in all, education now exists in a challenging multi-modal, multi-digital, and rapidly changing environment in which there are numerous ways of delivering education content at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. However, in such an environment students need critical skills and adaptability to negotiate and traverse this environment. The webinar will therefore highlight the role of teachers/mentors or educators in developing education norms and practices.
What you’ll learn?
- Integration of technology in education, prospects & challenges
- Discussion regarding the current teaching practice
- Progress and changing trends of teaching
- Essence of developing modern teaching traits
- Qualities of a good teacher
- Strengthening teaching pedagogy in the 21st century
- Suggestions to teachers/ audience in creating better teaching culture